but why don't you just directly contact me?
Is it hard dear?
hrmm after we break up,
hrmm after we break up,
I'm still searching a true one that can take a good care like you do.
but all man I meet, was ****** =.='
sometimes feel fed up and wanna explode cause their behave.
If you read this, I hope you can change ur mind about me :')
I miss to contact with you.
*truly* :')
but I keep it silence cause seem u never wanna give me a change to make thing right back
even I know we just not be to be together,
but isokay,
atleast I heard one or two or maybe three news about you.
saya harap hati awak dh lembut :)
p/s ; I NEVER forget our memories even keep searching a true man for me :)